Tresa Marie Staeven, CAHP
Certified Aromatherapist
Formerly employed in the software IT industry, in my own personal search to look for products that are safe and not filled with additives, I encountered the world of aromatherapy and came to understand the wealth that essential oils can offer if used correctly. Now, I have left the corporate world and I have become a Certified Aromatherapist. I can now focus solely on aromatherapy and bringing this gift to all in not only a safe and reliable manner, but also one that is personalized to reflect our own individuality.
Our Certified Therapists
Certified Massage Therapist
Member of Regroupement des Intervenants et Thérapeutes en Médecine Alternative et Complémentaire (RITMA)
Certified Massage Therapist
Member of Regroupement des Intervenants et Thérapeutes en Médecine Alternative et Complémentaire (RITMA)
Certified Massage Therapist
Member of Association québécoise des thérapeutes naturels (AQTN)
Certified Massage Therapist and Certified Naturopath
Member of Association can-american des massothérapeutes (ACAM)
Member of Association nationale des naturopathes (ANN)
“Tresa Staeven sait rendre agréable et instructive chaque rencontre; elle a une écoute plus qu’attentive et essaie toujours de trouver la ou les meilleures options en fonction des composantes de mon dossier de santé.”
“I really love it and I have been getting compliments too! ❤”
“Tresa is a wonderful listener. She has a great capacity to make anyone comfortable. Professional and reliable.”
“Je me suis sentie très à l’aise avec
Tresa. Elle sait écouter et vous laisse le temps de vous exprimer! Un climat de confiance s’installe rapidement! Ensuite elle prend le temps de bien étudier vos symptômes et vous donne de très bons conseils. Je me sens entre bonnes mains! Merci, Tresa.”